Arithmetic Moderate
Profit or Loss percentages are on Cost Price
1 / 5
Category: Moderate
A fruit seller bought lemons at 2 for a rupee and sold them at 5 for three rupees. What is his profit percentage ?
Greatest and Least numbers are 960 and 69
2 / 5
The product of the greatest 3-digit number and the least number of 3-digit which can be former using digits 9, 6 and 0 is :
3 / 5
If the number B is 10% less than another number C and C is 5% more than 150, then B is equal to :
Time and Distance Problem
4 / 5
A 1250m long train covers a distance of 1 km in 2 minutes. It crosses another stationary train in 4 minutes. What is the length of stationary train.
5 / 5
On simplification of 10 x 10 + [400 ÷ {100 – (50 – 3 x 10)}], we get
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